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The situation only gets worse , furthermore,Jensen has realized that he’s  being followed ,whether it’s on his way to the shopping mall from his place , or just takes out the garbage to the collection site. He can sense that someone is watching him, chasing every step of the way behind him . But when Jensen is courageous enough to turn around and look back , he can only catch a vague silhouette shadow or half a piece of what that person’s outfit . Sneaking back to that stalker is already way beyond his limit , let alone having the guts to chase after whoever is tracking every move he makes . Nevertheless , this has tortured him more than he can bear , and he desperately needs allies , needs at least to have someone he can talk to and ask for an advice.

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Jensen looks up to meet those caring bright eyes of his ,and strange enough , a surge of long-lost warm feeling suddenly washes over his whole body. He’s been living in this dangerous uncertainty for a long period of time since the inccident , enduring being alone and scared , and then with Jared’s caring and friendly attitude has led a sudden collapse of  Jensen’s  now-oh-so fragile heart , almost made him want to come clean to Jared about this unspeakable secret, that an unknown stalker has been invading into his personal life , spying on him, harassing him, and deteriorating  his normal great toast-like life.

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Jensen doesn’t  know who he can turn to for help , his family is far away in Texas, and although he gets along with those school colleagues ,still notwell enough to discuss his trouble with . He misses his best friend ─ Chris who is studying Art in France, but the last thing he wants to do is to tell his best friend  the truth and interfers his study by flying back in the middle of study for him. However, it’s obvious that this Mr or Ms Stalker (he doesn’t  even know if it’s a he or she) has acted increasingly crazy and the whole inccident has been reaching to an unpleasantly disgusting degree .


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Jensen tries to figure out who this mysterious person is, but there’s no 24/7 janitors working in this inexpensive apartment building . His effort of consulting with all residents about it is in vain. No one has ever seen anyone stuffing things into his mailbox, and then Jensen's job also keeps him from taking personal leaves to monitor the whole thing , not to mention the unsteady giveaway schedule  -  sometimes it’s every otherthree days,but then five  -  and there is absolutely no way for him to take the whole week off just to set up a mailbox stakeout operation or something like that. Calling the police for this single incidence is too much hustle and Jensen thinks that person means no harm. It’s just a bit odd to have chosen him, a middle school teacher , as the target . But then things turn out to be not as simple as he has expected. 

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TitleDear Jensen

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